ebook: System1, Unlocking Profitable Growth

Chapter Two: Innovation


See System 1 thinking in action with Fluent Innovation

In Chapter Two, we show how System 1 has an instinctive preference for the familiar. For consumers to accept your innovation, embed your great new idea in the familiar to make it Fluent - easy to recognise and understand. Fluent Innovation looks 80% familiar and 20% new.

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Consumers think much less than you think they think

Webinar Series: System1, Unlocking Profitable Growth

Join us in this webinar series to uncover insights into how System 1 thinking can unlock success across innovation, advertising, brand-building and shopper marketing to lead to your brand's profitable growth.

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Tom Ewing Headshot.png

Tom Ewing (Senior Director - Labs)

Orlando Wood Headshot.png

Orlando Wood (CIO)